Friday, September 11, 2009

Meditation on 9/11 8 years later...

Dear Listeners...

A 9/11 Anniversary meditation:

Tuesday and Wednesday AND Thursday'schildren

Dear Listeners...

Here are Tuesday and Wednesday's tunes:

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Dear Listeners...

Already getting behind in posting,but the tunes are still rolling in! Here they are for Labor Day weekend:


Labor Day Waltz:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

It the Friday's Blue...

Dear Listeners...

Here's my Friday Sept. 4 tune A bluesy Friday...

Have a great Labour Day Weekend! (A holiday started in Canada - hence the Canadian spelling!)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thursday evening mourn...

Dear Listeners...

For Thursday there's this:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why Can't You Tell Me ... ?

Dear Listeners...

Late Wednesday after"Jamming for Health Care." Here's my new tune called "Why can't you tell me.."

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday's Child....

Dear Listeners...

Why did I start this little madman's project?

Well I guess I thought it might help focus all the little tunes that go through my head every day, and make sure they'd get put down somewhere. There are thousand's of ditties strewn over the detritus of my past. Who knows who would miss them, but perhaps I should give them a chance!

I was also inspired both by seeing Julie and Julia, and Julie's successful attempt to cook all the Julia Child recipes in one year. It seemed a monumental task. And then I recalled hearing about a Brazilian musical legend, Hermeto Pascoal (AMAZING music - look him up at you tube). There is a story told that he had done a similar project, writing a new tune every day for a year. I'm sure he wrote them out with chord charts etc., but I'll be hard pressed to keep up my own little attempt, especially while working full time. But so far 3 days in A tune has come through each day. Let's call this one "Tuesday's First Child." Only 362 more to go!